Just the need to…

PMSing…and I just have the strong need to ramble, especially on a particular nagging feeling/observation/assumption etc (whatever you wanna describe it) about someone close to me. It has always been at the back of my mind. I wish I could talk to someone about it but 90% of me know that it will not be well received or answers like “let it be”, “you’re just thinking too deep into it”, “it’s nothing” etc will be thrown at me. so yea I thought I am gonna ramble here BUT as I am typing this out, I am having second thoughts.

It’s not about fearing that one fine day that the person will find this space, read the entry and know that it’s meant for him/her. It’s more about a sudden contemplation and a whiff of laziness that got to me in a matter of seconds (coz I know it’s gonna be one hell of a freaking long entry) Suddenly, I do not see the need for things to be laid out. As it is right now, I am tired of debating, trying to prove the truth and trying to prove whatever is being thought of me is almost unjustifiable. So, I’ve decided to leave it as it is. As a matter of fact, I would like to adopt a new approach whenever such situation or feeling comes up. It’s for the better of everyone.

So there, I did ramble, didn’t I?

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