Hello 2011!

I know that the heading of the entry is redundant since the 1st month of 2011 is almost coming to an end. But hey, I guess it’s still not too late to wish Happy New Year and hope that so far 2011 has been kind to all of us. It has been kind to me in many little ways, though most things have remained pretty much the same.

M’s fractured left foot is recovering well and he can slowly walk/limp on his own now, without crutches. He was involved in road accident on 3 Nov 2010 all coz a taxi driver chose to make an illegal U-turn and got into M’s lane. In order to avoid collision, M had to make an emergency brake, resulting him falling off the bike and the bike landed on his left foot. He was on the way home from night shift work and the accident took place just 5 minutes away from home. We are thankful that his injury was not that serious. After almost 3 mnths, M is getting pretty restless for having to be stuck at home. He is pretty much looking forward to go back to work. His next check up is in 2 weeks. We’ll see if he’s fit to go back to work.

Since this is the very 1st entry of 2011, I have several ideas in mind on which directions this blog should be heading. My initial focus for starting this blog was on the things I love like food and travel and it still is, though there are many rooms for improvements and new approaches. I feel that this blog is rather bland especially since I do not update that often. Ideas, like starting a breakfast series (since I am a big fan of that 1st meal of the day), sharing of recipes and my journey in the cooking world and documenting my travels kept popping up in my head. All I need is that tremendous, ultimate push so that all these can be materialised. Achievable? Of course. However, as I’ve always mentioned, this is not about gaining readership (at this point, I don’t know if anyone read this space really) but really it’s about gaining back that blogging enthusiasm I once had (which I am working on) and placing it into my list of daily activities.

I do not want to place high hopes or expectations on this though. I do not want to start something, only to end it halfway, worse if it was started on a bad note. So yeah, I shall not give myself any time or date to start the intended things. I may do all, one or two or even not do it at all (this the lazy me talking) So we’ll see how. Meantime, i shall work on giving myself that much needed push.

My 1st trip of 2011 is coming up, in fact in a matter of 2 days. I’m leaving for India for a 8 days trip. Hanie and I will be travelling to Kashmir, Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. A long overdue trip I must say since we first started planning this back in Jan 2008. Along the way it got forgotten and reemerged during our weekly netball session chats, where I told Hanie that I’m planning to go a solo trip to Kerala in Apr 2011. She said why don’t we make our planned India trip happen instead. So there you have it. I’m all geared up for the trip. Pretty excited especially since it’s winter and from the pictures I’ve seen online, Kashmir is gorgeous in winter. Pretty excited too at the thought of experiencing snow for the 1st time in my life. Yes, I’ve travelled far and wide but I’ve never experienced winter, let alone snow. Haha.

Will update when I’m back. Perhaps, then it shall be good start to begin what I intended to do 😛

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