
Missed out on Mariam’s hen’s night on Fri due to Mohd’s drug allergy scare. Lucky cld make it for Rina’s surprise hen’s nite over at Still Rd on Sat nite. Had an amazing sparty with the funfair girls, with a special pampering session for the bride to be. The rooftop setting, by the jacuzzi, engulfed in the scent of Indian fig was perfect. Not forgetting the food & dessert spread. Our DIY facials were indeed very thrilling. hehe.

Had so much fun & laughter that it struck me that I really should start blogging, actively again. One reason because I have so many things to share and tell. I’m not concerned whether this blog is being read or not but I juz wanna penned down what took place so that in years to come, when I look (read) back, it’ll be nice to reminisce.

So I shall sort things out & get the ball rolling. Akan datang….

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