Funfair Girls’ 1st Ride

Last Saturday, the funfair girls and I finally went on our first ride together at east coast park. While Jjay, Sabrina (zura’s daughter) and Wan (da only guy but hey! the more the merrier) rode on their yummy coloured fixies, the rest of us were on rented bicycles. For a rental fee of $8/overnite, we had a good deal.

Wasnt sure how far we actually travelled but that was definitely a good workout for most of us. I could feel every single lazy muscles of mine getting the shock of their lives and that, made me happy. haha. I can see us doing this as a weekly activity. It’ll be even more fun if I have my very own fixie, in my favourite colours. The only setback right now is storage space. Should I have one, I cant think of anywhere in the house to place it. So let’s pray that I’ll get my own place soon and thats when i can add a fixie onto the checklist 😛

We ended the ride with ice cold sugar cane drinks, hokkien mee (fiza & nad) and nasi lemak with fried chicken,fish fillet & otah otah. yes! yes! right after burning all the calories. LOL! but it’s all good.

So, till the next one (which I hope will be very soon)

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3 Responses to Funfair Girls’ 1st Ride

  1. Really cool blog! Good reading! great job!

  2. Greetings,
    I just get a kick out of seeing people come together and have a great time from all over . The bicycle has a cool attraction for people that brings them good times.
    Our home base here is a bicycle shop that just turned 100 years old this last July. It has seen the Wright brothers first airplane (they owned a bicycle shop also) the great depression,two world wars, the first man on the moon ect. ect. ect.

    Get that fixie if you have not yet.

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