We Are One!

So we tied the knot a year ago, 10 January 2009.

Our solemnization ceremony took place at Alkaff Mosque. I could still remember the state I was in, sitting in the middle of the hall, surrounded by loved ones, Nin as my bridesmaid, clutching hard my hand throughout.

I remembered how I was still in a unstable condition, resulting from the meltdown I had the week before. My mind was all over the place. Nin joked and asked if I was contemplating to head out to the nearest exit.

Then, he arrived, all don in white. He threw a glance at me, smiled and took his seat. That, suddenly hit my conscious hard. I shouldnt be feeling the way I was feeling. It was our big day, a special day for us to be finally united as man and wife after a decade of being together. I shouldnt be feeling anything else but exhilarated. So I told myself “Happy thoughts, Happy thoughts” though still at that stage, there were individuals who were clearly stubborn & still did what they were not supposed to do.

He took his vow and just like that we were finally husband and wife. I couldnt hold back my tears. He came over to me, took my hand & whispered “Still nervous? We are all good now”, smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

We had so much fun during our wedding despite being pretty laidback. The dinner reception for friends was the most fun part. It was all that we imagined it to be though we were perplexed that some of the invitations didnt reach the recipients thus they were not there to share the joy & laugher with us. Im terribly sorry. till now, I’m still wondering what happened to the invitations that were being mailed out.

When it was all over, I was back to my depressed state. Yes, I was in depression for the first 3 months of our marriage. This is an unknown fact to many. I was such a wreck and Mohd was always there for me no matter what. He definitely do not deserve all the crap coming from me. With constant support & encouragement from my loved ones and His guidance, I finally managed to let go and start afresh.

Fast forward, here we are, a year on.

People asked me how’s married life. My answer would always be the same “Pretty much the same, only that now you have to share the bed with someone” haha. Being together for that long period of time is as good as being married, only now it’s even better (sex! sex! sex!) So the transition was a pretty smooth one, nothing’s too shocking. Things are pretty much the same. The only difference, we are slowly becoming very unhealthy and lazy thus the piling of excessive weight. It is scaring us so we told ourselves to do something about it PRONTO.

I can ramble all I want but I guess all said and done. Here’s to us, many, many, many more great years ahead together insya allah. Thank you for everything babe.

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