Special request by the sister and nephew

My eldest sister mentioned that she’s craving for tiramisu and her son asked me to do something nice for him, in the form of blueberry muffins. So I spent yesterday’s morning whipping up those requests before heading for tahlil at faizan’s.

Blueberry Muffins

The recipe is by Martha Stewart.

If you watch the video, you can see that she really uses fresh blueberries which I didnt have time to scout for. I ended up buying a packet of blueberries from Phoon Huat, which I assumed are fresh, tho they are rather wet, squashed up and watery. Probably the reason why my muffin batter turn purplish. Also, my muffins didnt turn out as fluffy or plump as Martha’s. One reason could be becoz my muffin pan is not a medium one. Another reason is could be mixing of the ingredients. I probably over beat. I used the electric mixer, not the handheld one.

My muffins turned alright sumhow. Soft on the inside and the outside is too brown. I’m still trying to figure out my mum’s new oven. My nephew enjoyed the muffins and congratulated me for my first attempt. I know I cld do better.


Seriously, this is my first attempt at whipping up the well known dessert. It’s a really simple dessert to make and some of my friends who made it before, did it very well. The recipe is courtesy of Is and you can find it at her recipe blog

I wanted to add melted white chocolate (Jamie Oliver’s version) but I lost focus and forgotten all about the white chocolate in the saucepan. I forgotten all about double boiling and conveniently just dumped it all into the saucepan. When I finally realised, it was too late. It was all burnt.

I also thought that I soaked the lady fingers’ biscuits in too much coffee. So, in the end, the biscuits were too soggy and intense coffee taste, which can taste bitter to some. The cream mixture is not that smooth and creamy, the way I like it. I probably overwhipped the whipping cream which resulted the cream to separate. My younger nephew decided to help me out at the last stage = dust cocoa powder and he ended up dusting way too much cocoa powder.

I wasnt too happy with the final results but it’s still edible ah. Will have another go at it again.

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